TwestivalKL 2010
My first time ever in a twestival event.

I was one of the last candidate who got a ticket from @Davidlian and his cool Nexus phone. Ok so Will Quah and DJ Jules was the emcees for the night. Anyway gotta thank smashp0p for the ticket too!

The blogger world isn't that big, so here are some close buddies who attended that event for their first time too; Cheewei & Bryan.

Jess and Khairul was there as well! Haven't taken any picture with Jess for a long long time, i think the last one was one of the movie screening at cineleisure. Boy that was long.

The percussion group making all sort of interesting rhythm out of simple materials.

I am just so thoughtful, its my camera and all.... but I focused on Cheewei. Nice.

Hanie was already leaving until i knocked on to the glass and say "Nak ambik gambar with Supermodel!" - she u-turn and came back ha ha!
Overall the event was fun as there are many friends around, but the auctioning part was a little boring and it took too long. Should improvise around that area.

I was one of the last candidate who got a ticket from @Davidlian and his cool Nexus phone. Ok so Will Quah and DJ Jules was the emcees for the night. Anyway gotta thank smashp0p for the ticket too!

The blogger world isn't that big, so here are some close buddies who attended that event for their first time too; Cheewei & Bryan.

Jess and Khairul was there as well! Haven't taken any picture with Jess for a long long time, i think the last one was one of the movie screening at cineleisure. Boy that was long.

The percussion group making all sort of interesting rhythm out of simple materials.

I am just so thoughtful, its my camera and all.... but I focused on Cheewei. Nice.

Hanie was already leaving until i knocked on to the glass and say "Nak ambik gambar with Supermodel!" - she u-turn and came back ha ha!
Overall the event was fun as there are many friends around, but the auctioning part was a little boring and it took too long. Should improvise around that area.