Sunday Post : Xplay Shout! and how people enjoyed it
Remember my earlier post about the Xplay Shout Awards? It has happened and it ended with a great wow to everybody!
Last night was a fraction of what is going to happen next week at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. Imagine those crowds multiplied by 50 and you can imagine the shouts!

Just a recap, The Shout! Awards is an entertainment award show created by Malaysia entertainment industry. The award recognizes people of music, television, film and radio industry as a whole.

We were given a nice VIP area right next to the stage and a personal waitress to attend to our needs. Very well treated, very well party organized.

Great bands from Disagree, Hujan, Mizz Nina and DJ Ash are all in this together and of course we will see more of them next week on the 20th November at Stadium Bukit Jalil.

The winners of the Battle of the Bands
More photos of our very own faces enjoying the party soon, very soon.
Don't forget to get your free Shout! Awards passes by downloading 3 Call Me Tones of the Mobile Content Award 2010 nominees from on the 20th November 2010!
Last night was a fraction of what is going to happen next week at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. Imagine those crowds multiplied by 50 and you can imagine the shouts!

Just a recap, The Shout! Awards is an entertainment award show created by Malaysia entertainment industry. The award recognizes people of music, television, film and radio industry as a whole.

We were given a nice VIP area right next to the stage and a personal waitress to attend to our needs. Very well treated, very well party organized.

Great bands from Disagree, Hujan, Mizz Nina and DJ Ash are all in this together and of course we will see more of them next week on the 20th November at Stadium Bukit Jalil.

The winners of the Battle of the Bands
More photos of our very own faces enjoying the party soon, very soon.
Don't forget to get your free Shout! Awards passes by downloading 3 Call Me Tones of the Mobile Content Award 2010 nominees from on the 20th November 2010!