Jungle River Cruise and Philhar Magic
Let's get back to my Hong Kong Disneyland post. Next is going to be rides and more magical experience. This is the Jungle River Cruise. 
If only I understood what the signboard says I might just explain it to you, but hey let me take you for a ride and maybe that would do just fine. Like they say, pictures says a thousand words.
This is us, we are one big happy family on a very big big boat. I'd prefer just one that could fit 2 and row row row we go :P
This is the "Tree of Life", It looked really nice and how I wish i could have a tree house like that. Come to think about it, when I was younger i actually did make a tree house.. wow.
Vince and Hannah go Whoaaaaa!
Whoaaaa to what? Go yourself and enjoy the ride. Then you tell me about it. Ha ha!

Next attraction is the Philhar Magic, thats Vince and Hannah and also Daphne's backside.

The three of us on 3D glasses but hey this is no 3D.

Its 4D! I can't explain how the experience was, but it was freaking awesome! There's water splashing, awesome lighting effects and the screen goes at about 180 degrees. I love it best when it played Aladdin's - A whole new world with the magic carpet ride. How I wish I had a magic carpet and scoup you away :P
This is for you
More coming soon tomorrow.

If only I understood what the signboard says I might just explain it to you, but hey let me take you for a ride and maybe that would do just fine. Like they say, pictures says a thousand words.

The three of us on 3D glasses but hey this is no 3D.

Its 4D! I can't explain how the experience was, but it was freaking awesome! There's water splashing, awesome lighting effects and the screen goes at about 180 degrees. I love it best when it played Aladdin's - A whole new world with the magic carpet ride. How I wish I had a magic carpet and scoup you away :P
This is for you
More coming soon tomorrow.